Leading Electrical Panels Factory...






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  • The Quality

  • In all panels we manufacturing, the quality has the main priority, where the QC section works on the final product, to ensure that our panels has a high quality, from all technical and finishing issues. We proud cause we have a professional stuff for the QC section, whom trained , and qualified to deal with this main part of the production process.QC details

  • Approved Factory

  • It is necessary to be an approved factory to provide the service for a wide sector of customers. Hence that, we are tried and tries to get approving from all ministries, such the ministry of education, health , and from other local institutions, such the technical colleges, vocational training institute And of course the approving from the Saudi electricity company (SECO).So that , we can handle any works, with high abilities, according our clients certifies.

  • Labor's Comfortably

  • Since the worker is the main elements in the industry field, and because we are sharing the successes, we are trying to give our workers the best habitat's situation, so that they can work with full relax and good health, which give us an extreme quality which we are proud by.
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Quality Control